Acquire English
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Our Foundation Course
Success in English requires a solid foundation. We want you to be a better learner and have fun at the same time.
Are you ready to begin your Toronto adventure?
Want to speak with Canadians and find out what makes Toronto special?
Learn about Canadian history and culture through real life experiences!
The LIT Course
Welcome back Acquire English alumni! Are you ready to help the next generation of students get the most out of their Toronto life? Be a big brother or sister to these fellow students and learn a lot in the process!
Remember: we can teach from our experience, but we cannot teach experience. Help your peers have the best experience they can!
Guided Studies Course
Finished school but not done learning? Do you need guidance with how to study or what to study next? Everyone needs feedback in language in order to improve, but we at Acquire go the extra step of developing study strategies and tasks that best help our student's individual needs. We put you on the right track and help you achieve your language goals.